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Re: Cygwin G++ bug? - Python Extension module #including <iostream> dies before initialization

On Sun, May 28, 2006 at 08:48:19AM -0700, Jim Kleckner wrote:
>Jim Kleckner wrote:
>>Brian Dessent wrote:
>>>As you can see, this all is contingent upon a program like GDB using
>>>the Windows debug API.  Without that, the entire issue is irrelevant,
>>>so I can't see how this possibly would apply to Python.
>>Thanks for explaining how the Windows debug API is the one actually
>>catching the exception rather than GDB directly changing how exceptions
>>are caught.  This is useful.
>>I will be surprised if there doesn't turn out to be some commonality
>>between the pthread_mutex_init issue and something Python is doing
>>either directly or via the use of dlopen().
>Indeed, cgf is a magician and his patch in snapshot *2006-05-27 appears
>to fix the signal handler issue for Python.  As mentioned in his patch
>message, this may fix the signal handler issues for many DLLs.
>Many many thanks.

I think the majority of the thanks should go to Gary Zablackis for
tracking down the problem and offering a preliminary patch.

Of course, it also helps that I just figured out how to easily look at
the exception handling table in gdb.

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