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Re: Cygwin G++ bug? - Python Extension module #including <iostream> dies before initialization

Jim Kleckner wrote:
Brian Dessent wrote:
As you can see, this all is contingent upon a program like GDB using the
Windows debug API. Without that, the entire issue is irrelevant, so I
can't see how this possibly would apply to Python.

Thanks for explaining how the Windows debug API is the one actually catching the exception rather than GDB directly changing how exceptions are caught. This is useful.

I will be surprised if there doesn't turn out to be some
commonality between the pthread_mutex_init issue
and something Python is doing either directly or
via the use of dlopen().

Indeed, cgf is a magician and his patch in snapshot *2006-05-27 appears to fix the signal handler issue for Python. As mentioned in his patch message, this may fix the signal handler issues for many DLLs.

Many many thanks.


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