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Re: slow share = slow scripts?

Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:
From: mwoehlke
Also, why *is* fstat() so inefficient?

Short answer: because it gets a bunch of information about the file that isn't necessarily available without hitting (open()ing) the file itself.

Like... what? Inode information? Looking at the man page for 'stat' (on Linux, anyway; apparently I don't have the libc man pages installed on Cygwin), I don't see anything that I would expect to need to *open* the file to retrieve.

Way way back in the OP, I mentioned that Interix doesn't have this problem, which would imply a "design flaw" in Cygwin. Maybe (probably) it is a *necessary* design flaw, BUT...

A while back I was thinking about tying Cygwin into the Interix subsystem for the sake of certain file-system calls... and things like fstat in particular. If the problem is that Cygwin's fstat implementation requires opening the file and Interix's does not, this just became a *very* compelling (for me, at least) argument to taking on that project.

Please note that I'm not asking anyone to do this... given the response I got last time, I don't have any illusions that this will happen short of my doing it myself (at which point I will be derided, and my work will never leave my office). However, I would appreciate any existing knowledge, or even pointers to where to start poking around, that anyone would care to share.

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