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Re: 1.5.19: changes have broken Qt3

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 01:49:53AM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
> Sigh.  We've been through this ad nauseum in the archives.  This is how
> it's supposed to work, there's nothing wrong here.  Gdb doesn't know any
> better though, and reports it as a SIGSEGV, when it is not.  Did you not
> notice that when you run the program outside of the debugger it does not
> fault?  If you use a recent Cygwin snapshot and a gdb built from CVS you
> see no such fault, because this defect in gdb has been fixed.
> Brian

Actually, is this really a fault in gdb? Cygwin is throwing a SIGSEGV signal,
correct? GDB does what it's told, stops on SIGSEGV by default.


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