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Re: Handling special characters (\/:*?"<>|) gracefully

mwoehlke wrote:

> (Speaking of case sensitivity, is it a Windows limitation that Cygwin
> can't do this? I'm pretty sure it isn't an NTFS limitation, as Interix
> has true case-sensitivity.)

As I understand it, the win32 API preserves case but is not case
sensitive.  The native API is both, so in theory an application that
used only native calls could cope with both README and Readme, but no
win32 app could.  So, from the standpoint of Cygwin this is pretty
useless as A) it would take significant code rewrites to use the native
API everywhere (not to mention backcompat hell for 9x/ME) and B) it
would lead to the situation (which we briefly got a taste of somewhere
in a past 1.5.x release) where Cygwin was able to create files that
could not be deleted by Explorer or any other regular Windows app.


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