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Re: rsh with command hangs, rlogin works

Andrew DeFaria wrote:
>I have a similar problem. I see you're on Windows 2003 Server. 2003
tightened security a bit.

Actually "Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2".
But I have a 2003 server which might be a next target...

>Given the above the cygrunsrv will be running as SYSTEM no? Does SYSTEM
have the proper rights?

I created an 'sshd' user for running the sshd service.
I thought it was used for any cygrunsrv service. Not sure
how to verify it. In any case it seems to have proper rights to
handle "rsh localhost" (run in.rlogin). Then it should have
proper rights to handle "rsh localhost who" (run in.rshd), I

Could it be some ownership/privileges/existence/contents of some file
that in.rshd needs but in.rlogin doesn't? Which file would that be?

I haven't been able to strace the programs lauched by inetd.
"rsh localhost" stops working too when I try it.

Or run in.rshd in a shell, like sshd allows you to... is it impossible?


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