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Re: Java program under cygwin?

The GUI  in linux (and in other Unixes) is provided via an X-Server.
An X-server provides a means for client programs (the Java app in
question) to "draw" on the display.  I use the CygWin/X server all the
time to do just what you are wanting to do.  Look at the second link
down on the cygwin home page ( ).

On 5/23/06, Peter Mueller <> wrote:
Hello Dave, hello Jim!

> It looks like no X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this
> program
> performed an operation which requires it.  This is probably a consequence
> of
> the fact that you're trying to run a GUI in a text-only environment.

OK, then I guess I got something wrong:

I thought cygwin would help me run programs under Linux from a windows machine ...?

When running the same Java programme directly under the same Linux machine the program is working as expected.

Jim Drash wrote: > Are you running an X-server on your local box? That is what the > message is saying. It needs to talk to an X-server.

Sorry, I am a complete newbie to all this! :-(
What is an X-Server?

Thanks again,


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