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Re: Reading Term::ReadKey support for ActiveState Perl and Cygwin

On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 09:39:16PM -0400, Igor Peshansky wrote:
> On Mon, 22 May 2006, Paul Dorman wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've been racking my brains trying to read keystrokes in a Cygwin
> > shell with ActiveState Perl. Has anyone worked out how to read
> > individual keystrokes with a Perl script running in a Cygwin shell or
> > SSH session? We have standardized on ActiveState perl here (as not all
> > servers are actually running Cygwin).
> Windows applications (like ActivePerl) are mostly off-topic on this list,
> especially since there's a perfectly good Cygwin alternative available
> (which, BTW, comes with Term::ReadKey).
> However, you do realize that "a Perl script running in a Cygwin shell or
> SSH session" may not even be running in a terminal as ActivePerl
> understands it, right?

Hence his question, I believe.  I'd think ways of making a windows app
happy with pty stdin/stdout would be on-topic (though in most cases,
changes to the windows app seem to be not an option, so there's not
much to talk about.)

Paul, can you show what you've tried, and what exactly is the trouble
spot?  If people really think it's not appropriate to discuss here,
perhaps you could ask at:

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