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Re: Sorry multiple posting: virus reject messages: (was datapoint; cygwin_setup-2.510.2.2 crash)

On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 02:10:45PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
>I kept getting bounce messages on this d*mn message, only to discover
>that some of the postings were getting through and some of the bounce
>messages were coming from someone's broken virus filter that doesn't know
>enough to not bounce list email...Grrr....*sigh*
>First: <...>:
>Sender: <...>

Maybe you don't mind if your email address is scavenged by spammers but,
as usual, I would rather not provide extra incentive for spammers to
find the cygwin mailing list address.  So, please don't include it in
your messages.

There is little reason to quote email addresses in public mailing lists
and there is no reason to quote the email address of the mailing list in
the body of messages to the mailing list.


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