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RE: cron issue

1. What command sequence did you use to start the
   cron service on your computer?  (In general, what
   commands did you use to set up package X?  Or, what
   commands did you run prior to encountering a problem?)

   Here is what I am using to start my cron service.

   cygrunsrv --install cron --shutdown \
    --path /usr/sbin/cron --args "-D" \
    --disp "Cygwin cron" --desc "Cygwin vixie-cron service" \
    --user sshd_server --passwd your-fine-password;

   I am running Cygwin on Windows 2003, so the 
   'sshd_user'/'password' is required for my computer.
   I think that this is *not* required for Windows XP.
   In fact, you may not have set up an ssh service yet.

> I opted for exim instead of ssmtp, which I presume is OK.

2. To quote the README:

   "Important:  Make sure you have a Cygwin MTA (e. g. either exim or
    installed and configured!  Cron tries to access the MTA by calling
    /usr/bin/sendmail.  On Cygwin this is usually a symlink pointing to
    appropriate binary.  This symlink gets created by the MTA's
    scripts (e. g. /usr/bin/exim-config or /usr/bin/ssmtp-config)."

    The README has a typo, above.  "/usr/bin/sendmail" should read
    "/usr/sbin/sendmail".  Confirm that /usr/sbin/sendmail is a
    symbolic link that points to your Cygwin MTA.


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