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Re: need help with cygwin snapshot debugging

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 06:03:32PM -0700, Bryan D. Thomas wrote:
>> 1)
>> I would appreciate knowing if anyone can duplicate 1) above
>I could not duplicate this issue with the snapshot binaries 2006-03-13 
>through 2006-04-27, inclusive.
>I installed the weather script testcase from the OP as a cron job and
>observed three runs using v5.19 where data was pulled down
>successfully.  I stopped the cron service and replaced cygwin1.dll with
>each snapshot binary, started cron, then observed three more successful
>download runs with no orphaned processes.

Thank you for testing this.  This is the kind of feedback I was hoping
for.  If you are willing to continue testing, it may be worthwhile to
keep this running for a couple of days.  Maybe it is sporadic enough
that it is only triggered very occasionally.


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