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Re: res_search problem

Peter Fales wrote:

> On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 04:35:19PM -0500, Peter Fales wrote:
>> I'm trying to port some code which uses res_search() to look up an SRV
>> record.   
> Pulled the source to the minires package and did some poking around.
> It seems that  write_record() in os-interface.c has cases for the 
> different types of DNS records (A, PTR, MX, etc.) but doesn't have a
> case for SRV records (type 33).   Unfortunately, I don't have enough
> expertise in Cygwin or DNS lookups to supply a patch, but perhaps this
> will help someone.   It would certainly be nice if Cygwin had support
> for SRV records.

An option is to compile ISC bind 9.3.x and use that.  (no bind is not a Cygwin
package, yes it compiles out of the box).
René Berber

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