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Re: rvxt-20050409-1 console problem

> Shouldn't the console-hiding code be unnecessary?
> Here is a simple approach that I have been using (and have written
> to this list previously) which makes it possible to start rxvt
> without resorting to starting a console first:
>    1. Using MS Windows Explorer, locate the 'rxvt' binary in your 
>       Cygwin directory tree, for example, at c:\cygwin\bin.
>    2. Right-click on the 'rxvt.exe' icon and select 'Create Shortcut'
>       from the menu.
>    3. Right-click on the 'Shortcut to rxvt.exe' icon and select
>       'Properties' from the menu.
>    4. In the 'Target' field, type the options that you want to
>       specify for 'rxvt' during startup.  For example,
>           C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -e /bin/bash --login -i
>       tells rxvt to run 'bash' as the shell, and tells bash
>       to run as a login shell.
>    5. If desired, drag&drop the shortcut icon to your taskbar.
>       Click on the icon to start 'rxvt' without using a console.
> Am I missing something, or is there still another reason to 
> include the console-hiding code?

You should see it, or perhaps your PC is too fast.

But prior to the rxvt windows, another windows opens that gets closed
immediatly. That's a console-window like the ones you see, when you run

So the console-hiding code is the code, that causes, that the
console-window disappears and that inly the rxvt-window remains.

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