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RE: Can't run baseall

On 12 May 2006 13:52, Don Edvalson wrote:

> I tried the solution mentioned above, but it didn't help. However it did
> put me on the right track. I started carefully killing Windows
> processes. After I had killed enough of them, Cygwin started working
> perfectly again and I could do my compiles. So I think I was looking in
> the wrong direction with rebase in the first place. I am still narrowing
> it down, but I found that two pieces of hardware I had added lately, a
> webcam and a Sprint Wireless network connection were running lots of
> processes all the time, even when that hardware was not installed or
> running. I believe the culprit is one of these. When I figure out
> exactly what process was causing this, I will let you know.

  Webcam?  Webcam!  Did you say "webcam"?  Did you say *Logitech* webcam?

and subsequent thread....

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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