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Re: res_search problem

On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 04:35:19PM -0500, Peter Fales wrote:
>I'm trying to port some code which uses res_search() to look up an SRV
>record.   The attached code works on Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, Darwin, and 
>Irix, but doesn't work on Cygwin.   I'm not a DNS expert but this test
>case is derived from code at:
>Am I missing something fundamental, or is res_search not working?  (In
>ethereal I can see the question being sent and the correct response coming
>back - but the correct string does not seem to be in the buffer returned
>from res_search().)   Can someone point to an example of using 
>res_search() under Cygwin?

AFAIK, Cygwin does not provide a res_search() function.


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