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Re: how come #include "*.cpp" works?

Klaas Thoelen wrote:
Hello *,

I recently installed cygwin to freshen up my C/C++, what I didn't want to do using huge programs like visual studio. It seemed to work fine until I came across the following problem.

I have 3 files:     datum.h
                        datumprint.cpp (which has my main in it)

In 'datum.cpp' I include 'datum.h' as I should, and in 'datumprint.cpp' also. But this gives me compile-errors about members of my class Date being undefined. However, if I include 'datum.cpp' in 'datumprint.cpp' it works just fine!

This seems a little strange to me. Does anybody know what's wrong here?

This isn't a Cygwin specific problem so it's off-topic for this list. Please find a better forum for such questions. If you feel you must continue this discussion with a Cygwin crowd, then you can try the cygwin-talk list.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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