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Re: Call for testing Cygwin snapshot

On Tue, May 09, 2006 at 11:56:06PM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
>Lloeki wrote:
>>Of course I just find it minutes after posting...
>>it's in
>>add a DWORD of name AlwaysUnloadDll and give it a 1.  Though it's
>>advertised everywhere as managing all dlls, I dunno the exact effect,
>>and the place of the reg key makes me thinks it only affects explorer,
>>but you'll never know.
>I don't know what this reg key does but there is no need to change it.
>I switch around Cygwin DLLs all the time using simply the copy command
>in CMD.EXE (with no Cygwin processes running of course) and have never
>had to do anything else.

Ditto.  If this was really necessary, the information would be in the FAQ.


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