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make v3.80: *** [hello] Error 255

This is the dumbest thing.  The makefile couldn't be simpler:

$ cat makefile
hello:  hello.c
        gcc -o hello hello.c

When I run this, I get:

$ make
gcc -o hello hello.c
make: *** [hello] Error 255

If I do a dry run and pass the output to the shell it works just fine:

$ make -n > dryrun
$ sh dryrun			(no errors)

I tried changing the line terminators in the makefile from CR/LF to LF.
The SHELL environment variable points to a valid sh.
"which sh" finds the same shell.
I tried the --unix and --win32 switches.

The output of make -d ends with:

Must remake target `hello'.
gcc -o hello hello.c
Putting child 0x1002c7f0 (hello) PID 444 on the chain.
Live child 0x1002c7f0 (hello) PID 444
Got a SIGCHLD; 1 unreaped children.
Reaping losing child 0x1002c7f0 PID 444
make: *** [hello] Error 255
Removing child 0x1002c7f0 PID 444 from chain.

WTF is going on??

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