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Re: jikes 1.22 Cygwin package fails to build GNU Classpath

On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 15:52 +0100, Paul Jenner wrote:
> Hi.
> The maintainers of GNU Classpath try to keep it buildable on Cygwin but
> have received at least one bug report [1] for it not building due to the
> Cygwin jikes issue raised below.
> Would the Cygwin jikes package maintainer consider integrating the
> referenced patch into the package as it does appear to resolve a real
> issue on Cygwin?

Yes, please. I'd love to see Kaffe packaged for Cygwin eventually, but
we'll need a working jikes package on cygwin for it that lets us build
the class library (i.e. GNU Classpath) first.

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