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RE: Unable to Run Latest Cygwin in Win2k

On 04 May 2006 06:01, Loh Kok Jeng wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm facing problem running the latest Cygwin on Win2K.
> I can install Cygwin from the Internet using an account belonging to
> the Administrators group.  The installation can be completed without
> any error.
> However, when I try to run cygwin.bat, it simple quits without any
> message.  All executable under cygwin\bin exits without any message.
> Same for:
>  cygcheck -s -v -r
> I have tried uninstalling and installing Cygwin a number of times and
> the problem still persists.  Any hint would be greatly appreciated.

  Well, cygcheck is just a plain completely ordinary windows program, so if
you can't run that, your computer has /serious/ problems.

  Please open a dos box, cd into the cygwin\bin dir, and run the following
commands, one per line, and cut-and-paste the exact output into an email and
send it back to the list.  This will start to give us some clues.

dir cygcheck.exe strace.exe
cacls cygcheck.exe
cacls strace.exe
strace.exe --mask=all --output=strace-chk.out cygcheck.exe -svr > cygcheck.out
type ..\cygwin.bat
strace.exe --mask=all --output=strace-bash.out bash.exe --login -x -i
dir cygcheck.out strace-chk.out strace-bash.out

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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