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how to get my app to find a dynamic library

I'm using Cygwin on Windows XP. gcc version 3.4.4.

My main app 'main.c' is in one directory and I have a dynamic library 'cygmylib.dll' in a subdiretory 'tmp'. I can compile and link my main app fine but having trouble running it. It complaints about not being able to find the dynamic library. I have tried just about everything from -L, -Wl,-rpath using relative or absolute paths on the compile line to setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_RUN_PATH at run time, but to no avail.

Here is how I link:

gcc -o app main.c -Wl,-rpath tmp/ -Ltmp/ -lmylib

If I run from the same directory, it cannot find the dynamic library.

If I cd to tmp and run it like ../app it does run fine and finds the dynamic library, but this is not how I want to use it.

Is there a special link option I need to use? What is the magic?



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