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Re: Cygrunsrv starts service but reports that it didn't start

> Command             : /usr/sbin/sshd -D

for sshd, "-D" means, that the sshd process will _not_ detach from his
parent process (which is cygrunsrv)

> Command             : /usr/local/sbin/samhain -D

and according to the docs, saimhain will _not_ detach from the parent
process to become a daemon.
(which would be the same behaviour than "sshd -D")

But you specified "-D" as an option to samhain and the docs say, that
"-D" will cause that samhain does detach from its parent - which is the
opposite of what you want, because you want samhain to be under the
control of cygrunsrv, and therefor you want that it does detach.

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