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XP embedded

Hi all,
  While searching though the mail list archives, I found a posting
back on March 9th asking about XP Embedded SP2 and the error
"/dev/null: No such file or directory".

Everyone blasted the poster for running a really old version of Cygwin.

Well I'm running into the exact same problem, except that I'm running
the latest version of Cygwin. When I start a console I get the message
"bash: /dev/null: No such file or directory"

I did a little playing around and if I try to pipe anything out
/dev/null I get the error.  just for kicks I tried creating /dev/null
using mknod, but it failed saying that the file already exists

I have the exact same installation on regular XP SP2 and this problem
does not exist

Let me know if you have any ideas on what the issue might be.



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