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Re: Your Submission Has Been Accepted

On Sat, 8 Apr 2006, Alexander J. Herrmann wrote:

Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Sat, Apr 08, 2006 at 01:58:33AM +0700, Alexander Herrmann wrote:

On 4/8/06, Christopher Faylor

On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 11:42:47AM -0700, wrote:

Your product, Cygwin, is currently being published by our staff and
should appear on our sites shortly.  Once your product's
status changes from Processing to Live, your listings will officially
be available on CNET Networks' download sites worldwide.

How annoying.

Anyone know how we'd go about removing this link?

This is quite strange. It says it was added April 7th, 2006, yet its got 10 reviews, all dated quite some time before then (version 1.3.22-1 and 12-Nov-2003) and also lists 173,253 downloads. It also says the publisher is "Cygnus Solutions". The reviews look legit (well, at least the talk about things that are true about Cygwin).

I'm betting this entry was previously cataloged as something else, and
someone very nicely, "corrected" it to match reality (annoying, indeed).

Good luck getting it removed. It's CNET.COM, after all...

I thought they made some anti-spaming laws latly. Maybe
would like to be

This isn't really spam, AFAICT. It's just unwanted attention.

But somebody must have registred with them otherwise I would say it's 'spam' because then they just wanna pop up there service by promoting cygwin which is known to be well known. I bet nobody offical signed up with them I'am not a Bush fan but imo it would fall under the term of "*The Administration supports the law's tools to help deter the harmful effects of deceptive and misleading spam."
That would shut down there site immidiatly - if they are americans.
Unfortunatly both sites mentiones and (from the email) are allready banned by the Thai Gouvernment. We have a huge censorship here btw.


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