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Re: find and /cygdrive/c

Dear Eric,

Eric Blake wrote:
> According to Richard Quadling on 4/5/2006 3:52 AM:
> > On 05/04/06, Jim Easton wrote:
> >> example:
> >>
> >> $ find /cygdrive/c -iname \*Telus\* -print
> >> find: .: No such file or directory
> >> find: /cygdrive/c/AUTOEXEC.BAT: No such file or directory
> > 
> > 
> > $ find /cygdrive/c -iname \*pear\* -print
> > /cygdrive/c/PEAR
> >
> > suggests that it is a version issue.

That wouldn't surprise me. :-)

> You are not the first to report something like this, but I have not been
> able to reproduce it myself, with either 4.2.27 or 4.3.0 (note that find
> uses a different search algorithm in 4.3.0, but the old 4.2.7 algorithm is
> still available in the program oldfind in 4.3.0, so really you only need
> 4.3.0 to test both behaviors).  I suspect a remote drive bug, rather than
> versioning issues, but I'll need more details.

I don't see find at all in the cygwin setup.  Specifically where do I
find find 4.2.27 or 4.3.0?  I would like to try one of those versions
first before anyone goes to a whole lot of trouble.

> First, you should follow the reporting guidelines here:
> > Problem reports:
> and include the output of 'cygcheck -svr' as a text attachment.

It should be attached (that's quite a mouthfull :-) ).

> Then, what directory were you in when you ran find?  Is it a remote drive?

HOME /home/jim
remote drive - no.

>  Is it running Samba?  If so, what version of Samba?  There are known


> issues with cygwin 1.5.19 when communicating with certain remote drives,
> where the inode numbers of various files are not constant, and the result
> is that find refuses to proceed since it interprets a changing inode as a
> security attack (someone replacing the directory in parallel with you
> trying to search it).  Some of these issues have been fixed in CVS; could
> you please try the latest snapshot and see if the issue still persists?

It doesn't look to me as if there is a find there.  :-(

Thanks again.


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