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Re: 1.5.18-1: syslogd and cron message issue (XP/2000).

Irwin, Doug wrote:

> I have set up /etc/syslog.conf to exclude logging cron messages but
> still seem to be getting them.
> In syslogd I have tried the following:
> 	*.*;cron.none   /var/log/messages

That one should be enough.

> What is getting logged is soemthing along the lines of this:
> Mar 23 16:52:00 DOUG /USR/SBIN/CRON : PID 4844 : (doug) CMD
My guess: the "facility" is not recognized by syslogd, that means syslogd is
looking for "cron" and instead it finds that ugly "/USR/SBIN/CRON".

> (/usr/bin/date >> /date.log)
> I've had no luck filtering it out so far.
> I have spent several days researching cron and syslogd (both for Cygwin
> and Linux) on the net.  While there's a lot of very useful information I
> haven't been able to resolve this specific issue.

I'm not trying to do what you want, I just want my logs to look normal and see
them using multitail (which colorizes the output among other things) so I
changed the source code to show just "cron" on those log lines, it's in cron.c
line 67, just change argv[0] with "cron".

After compiling and installing the changed version I'm getting this ugly message:

Apr  1 18:33:31 b kernel: cron[2812]: segfault at 004060C2 rip 00402986 rsp
0022E850 error 6

But cron is working normally, so it may be just a non related problem (possibly
due to using a Cygwin snapshot because I've seen a couple of these before).
René Berber

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