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RE: Cannot install - xmlcatalog cannot find libxml2

Brian Dessent wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote:
>>   Just to clarify: it is entirely standard for cygwin apps to use
>> non-standard cygXXX names for cygwin dlls to link against.  It would be
>> very nonstandard of xmlcatalog to link against a dll with a standard
>> libXXX name. 
> Right.  And you should not find any package in the Cygwin distro that
> depends on a DLL named "libxml2.dll" because all Cygwin DLLs should
> begin with cyg.   This leads me to believe that the poster has a
> foreign/non-cygwin version of xmlcatalog in his path which is actually
> being run from the postinstall.

  That's pretty much what I had concluded, but I did go so far as to download
and check a really old libxml2 package tarball, just in case an early version
had mistakenly supplied / linked against a non-cyg-prefixed version of the
dll, and it was fixed in more recent versions and the transition was causing a

  Sure enough, neither libxml2-2.6.11-1.tar.bz2 nor libxml2-2.6.13-1.tar.bz2
required any libxml2.dll, so I reckon that theory is ruled out.

  Marcus!  You still there?  It's time you did the
<URL:> cygcheck thing.  (Attachment, not in the
body text, please!)

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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