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Re: Please try a snapshot - final push for 1.5.19 (ssh/cron console windows)

I'm having a problem with a DLL built from CVS on 20060102 (before
the beep fix). Actually, it's been happening for a while, but I just
tracked down how to reproduce it.

The problem is that ssh and cron are both popping up console
windows. The ssh daemon does it when someone logs in and the cron
daemon does it when a job is run.

Both of these services are configured to "Allow service to interact
with desktop". The problem occurs after I reboot. I can make the
problem go away by

1. Disabling "Allow service to interact with the desktop" and
   restarting the service.
2. Using the service. (login through ssh and run a cron job).
3. Enabling "Allow service to interact with the desktop" and
   restarting the service.

Once I go through these steps, the problem never appears again, even
if the services are restarted after a new DLL is installed. (I
restart the services after a new DLL installation through an
rxvt/bash session).
David Rothenberger                spammer? ->
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