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Re: Problem with login command

On Dec 21 22:23, Mike Dieter wrote:
> I think that the   login    command might be overwriteing fields in the 
> wtmp and utmp files.
> Now that we are using a longer word in the   line   filed  of   console   I 
> noticed  that the last
> two letters    le    were showing up in the    id     field that follows it.

Your space key bounces.

The two letters "le" show up by design.  Have a look into
/usr/include/sys/utmp.h and /usr/include/cygwin/utmp.h for the layout of
the utmp structure.  The ut_id field is generated by some arbitrary
algorithm, in case of login(1) it's the abbreviated tty name.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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