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Re: Rsync over SSH not working when ZoneAlarm installed

Zarko Roganovic wrote:

I'm trying to backup a directory from a Win 2K machine to a Linux server with
cmd below.

rsync -rvc -e "ssh -l testusr" /cygdrive/c/testdir

When I uninstall ZoneAlarm(6.1.737) this same command works fine.
It doesn't help if I shutdown ZoneAlarm, I have to uninstall it. This is a test
machine and I'm willing to run ANY tests that you might suggest. I've included the cygcheck output with ZoneAlarm installed and when it wasn't.

We actually ask for *attachments* of cygcheck output, not inclusions.

I really need this to work and I would appreciate any help.

This sounds like a firewall configuration problem rather than a Cygwin
software problem.  Didn't ZoneAlarm query you when you first tried the
rsync?  I thought that was it's modus operandi.  In any case, you need
to open port 873 for rsync to run at least.  You can check the man page
for more info.

-- Larry Hall RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX Holliston, MA 01746

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