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cygwin 1.5.18-1 + Perl + open-pipe + native executable

Hi --

I've hit a problem with 1.5.18-1 and the Perl open pipe command:

open(SRC, "| $prog")

If $prog is a cygwin executable, everything works fine.

If $prog implies a shell-exec (rather than an exec), e.g., by including quoting characters so that /bin/sh is called as a wrapper, everything works fine.

If $prog is a native windows executable and a shell isn't required (i.e., Perl does a direct fork/exec), the open hangs.

Attached is a small test case (tar/gzip) showing the problem. "sh run" shows the problem.

Also attached is the output of cygserver as requested and "Perl -V" for good measure.

-- Rick

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Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Text document

Attachment: perl.ver
Description: Text document

Attachment: bug1.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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