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Re: Fwd: cygwin tools in context menus

Brian Dessent said:
C:\cygwin\bin\run bash -c "/usr/X11R6/bin/gv -display localhost:0.0
\"$(cygpath \"%1\")\" &"

This works for me.

Not bad. However, that is less than ideal for emacs. I have a working solution with the following features:

Uses emacsserver, so that only one copy of emas needs to be in memory at a time.
Supports windows shortcuts/cygwin symlinks.
Paths with spaces.
Multiple files (Only works right when emacs is already running).
Uses X11. (Requires it to be running already)
Network paths.
It inhierits everythong set in a user's profile and bash_rc.
Uses run.exe

It is definately emacs specific though.
I will send it to the list before too long, or at least I currently intend to.

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