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solved: cygcrypt-0.dll not found


I had subscribed to this mailing a few hours ago, because I wanted to ask for some help from the experts. However after some RTFMs and STFW I managed to solve it myself. I still don't know what was going wrong, but who cares?

For those who still want to know about the problem:

I installed cygwin on XP Pro mainly to use ssh server (sshd). I got it up and running without problems, but...

As newbies (always?) do, I messed around with the services (MMC) under Win XP. As a result I could no longer start (net start sshd or cygrunsrv...) sucessfully. I always got the message that cygcrypt-0.dll could not be found. All installation and deinstallation, clearing up registry items, setting environment variable PATH in XP did not help.

Finally STFW I came across this advice:

"Reinstalling sshd service in windows
This one was a bit painful as I didn't want to mess with the pre-existing configuration of the key files. Installation required a small modification to the standard installation options.

cygrunsrv --install sshd --path '/usr/sbin/sshd' --env 'PATH=/bin;/sbin' --env 'CYGWIN=ntsec tty' -a -D

You need to use the cygwin --path item, otherwise the service won't start correctly (sshd needs to be executed with an absolute path). The env flags are there to allow the service to start, otherwise you end up with an annoying: cygcrypt-0.dll cannot be found error. The CYGWIN environment was there because otherwise it doesn't work correctly. the -D is for daemon mode."

(Source: which solved the issue.

So since the problem is solved I cannot provide more info like log data etc.
If anyone has a good guess what actually might have went wrong, please come forward ;-)

Thanks for you attention.

Best regards

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