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Re: Unicode in filenames support?

On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 10:08:30PM -0400, Beman Dawes wrote:
>I've been in contact with Newlib people working on the problem in, which is 
>where the problem needs to be solved. They really need encouragement that 
>people do care about wide character support, and that not having it is a 
>black eye for an otherwise excellent and highly appreciated Cygwin effort. 
>IMO of course.

I've been reading the newlib list and they do not need "encouragement".
Newlib is like any other free software project.  They need someone to do
the work.  Please do not send "me toos" to the newlib list.  They are
not required.

If you want something in newlib, then please submit a patch to make it
happen.  That's how it works.


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