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SSH Path Bug
- From: "Dominic Chambers" <dominic dot chambers at Swebtec dot com>
- To: <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
- Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 21:00:56 +0100
- Subject: SSH Path Bug
Hi all,
Just wanted to report a bug I found:
Running commands via SSH causes windows executables to be given path priority, so that they run ahead of identically named UNIX executables. I found this while trying to use the find command as part of an SSH call. For example, assuming you have an SSH server set up:
? $ ssh localhost "find -true"
? FIND: Parameter format not correct
Here, the Windows find is being executed instead of the UNIX one. Alternatively
? $ ssh localhost "/bin/find -true"
Works fine. Also:
? $ ssh localhost "./myfindprog"
? FIND: Parameter format not correct
Also fails, assuming myfindprog looks like this:
? #!/bin/bash
? find -true
On the other hand, things work fine provided you don't try to run your commands directly from the SSH process. So:
$ ssh localhost
Last login: Fri Apr 29 18:24:06 2005 from machine
$ find -true
is okay.
Thanks for a great product.
-- Dominic
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