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RE: Domain group doesn't work in cygwin
- From: "Mastchenko, Cyrille" <CMastchenko at m-x dot ca>
- To: "'Pierre A. Humblet'" <Pierre dot Humblet at ieee dot org>, cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Cc: "Mastchenko, Cyrille" <CMastchenko at m-x dot ca>
- Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:13:45 -0400
- Subject: RE: Domain group doesn't work in cygwin
I just check,
What you name Computer_X is our domain name (a la netbios, pre windows
It's not a computer, it can't be ping ...
I will try your workaround.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pierre A. Humblet []
Envoyé : 29 avril 2005 14:48
À :
Cc :
Objet : RE: Domain group doesn't work in cygwin
On Apr 29 14:03, Mastchenko, Cyrille wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for Pierre and Corinna sugestion.
> I upgrade my cygwin to the last version yesterday (with a clean
> reboot), I check my /etc/group, my group are in it.
> I am on a window server 2003, and my user and his group are defined in
> the domain (another window server 2003 with ActiveDirectory)
> mind_mgr@bdmb5039 ~
> $ id
> uid=20238(mind_mgr) gid=10513(Domain Users)
> groups=545(Users),10513(Domain
> This user should be in those domain groups too :
> (we use group to give read or read/write access to data, and we want
> to
> cygwin to be able to rsync/ssh from a unix computer)
So you are on Computer_A and the user is defined on Computer_B In
/etc/passwd, there is a line defining the user, with a computer name in it,
something like U-Computer_X\mind_mgr What is Computer_X?
What's probably happening is that Cygwin can't obtain the user's groups from
Computer_X What "mkgroup -u -d Computer_X" produce?
Ditto "mkpasswd -u mind_mgr -d Computer_X"
Edit /etc/group and add user mind_mgr (and any others) at the end of lines
of the groups they should belong to but don't, e.g.
The same result may be obtained by "mkgroup -u -l -d" (without domain name),
but that may give rise to a file that is very (and uselessly) large.
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