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RE: [htdocs PATCH] Ping Igor! [was RE: Rebase All command.....]
- From: "Dave Korn" <dave dot korn at artimi dot com>
- To: <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
- Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 17:20:06 +0100
- Subject: RE: [htdocs PATCH] Ping Igor! [was RE: Rebase All command.....]
----Original Message----
>From: Igor Pechtchanski
>Sent: 27 April 2005 17:10
>> It occurs to me that a lot of people don't know how to PCYM* if it
>> doesn't already support such functionality, so I suddenly thought we
>> should add another couple of lines to the OLOCA entry mentioning
>> quotefix. Igor?
> <>. I'd rather not turn
> the OLOCA into an FAQ (i.e., I wouldn't want the answer to "how do I
> CMMTNQREAIMR?" to appear directly in the OLOCA), but I'm willing to
> include a link. The problem is that there are many mailers, and every one
> of them has different ways of configuring the quoting mechanism. Should
> we include instructions for all of the mailers in the OLOCA? Or just
> Outlook? What about Outlook Express? You get the picture...
Good point. It would be better as a FAQ entry, perhaps.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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