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apache 1.3.33-1 - rebase problem still existing (3)
- From: "Rainer Kirsch" <rk_news at netway dot at>
- To: <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 15:01:05 +0200 (CEST)
- Subject: apache 1.3.33-1 - rebase problem still existing (3)
Brian Dessent wrote:
>Okay, the service doesn't start. I'm still not clear though as to why.
>In your last email you seemed to imply that the service starts but
>cannot fork because of the rebase problem. Are you still getting the
>"cannot remap" errors in the log files, or is it something else? It
>would be helpful to delete all the apache log files and restart the
>service to make sure that whatever messages are there are not from a
>previous run. Also, check for messages in the windows event log.
>In other words, it's still not clear as to if your problem is due to
>rebasing (in which case usually the service will start successfully but
>it cannot fork() and cannot serve any requests) or whether it's
>permissions-related (in which case the service won't start at all.)
The situation with one process running described in (2)
was that with only having a fresh installation of apache
without rebase. Here the first process running as SYSTEM
starts, but the others (to be forked) do not appear due to the
Unable to fork new process
The other scenario appears after having done the rebaseall.
Then /usr/sbin/httpd.exe is no longer able to produce any output -
it seems to be totally paralyzed.
/usr/sbin/httpd.exe -h
replies nothing but the next command prompt.
If you try a
net start apache
Windows log "Ereignisanzeige" receives an entry saying
apache : PID 892 : starting service `apache' failed: execv: 0, No error.
>I assume that you have created a windows user called 'apache', yes?
Yes I have created an apache windows user with an according
entry in /etc/passwd
Rainer Kirsch
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