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Re: downloading cygwin from linux
"community help" wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I tried to download cygwin from a linux machine but
> with no success. Is there any way to download every
> thing at a time and install it later on a windows
> machine?
> I'm trying to download cygwin from work where i have a
> linux system and i want to install it at home where i
> have windows but no internet connection.
> PS: executing setup.exe in linux does not work. So
> there must be an other way.
> Thank you
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I just picked a fast mirror, fired up my favorite FTP program, downloaded
the setup.exe and the the setup.ini and everything in the release
subdirectory, burnt it to a DVD. You can also burn in to CD-Rs but then you
have to split it up on 3-4 discs and reconstruct it back home. Speaking from
memory now so I may have omitted some file I downloaded from the ftp site,
but it wasn't hard figuring out what I need iirc.
/ M
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