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NFS mounts and chmod directory
- From: ericblake at comcast dot net (Eric Blake)
- To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 18:08:48 +0000
- Subject: NFS mounts and chmod directory
So, is the following terminal trace just due to the braindead NFS implementation of Win2000 SP4, or is there a bug in cygwin chmod(2) in regards to directory permissions? I have /cygdrive/u viewing my home drive on a unix box NFS server named perth.
$ cd /cygdrive/u
$ alias ll='ls -lF'
$ umask
$ mkdir dir
$ ll -d dir
drwxr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:35 dir/
$ ssh perth ll -d dir
eblake@perth's password:
drwxrwsr-x 2 eblake eblake 4096 Apr 14 11:35 dir/
$ # Hmm, how come the sticky bit is set, and it is group readable on Unix?
$ chmod 0 dir
$ ll -d dir
dr-xr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:37 dir/
$ # Hmm, why can I still read and search? Also, Windows claims not writable...
$ ssh perth ll -d dir
eblake@perth's password:
drwxr-sr-x 2 eblake eblake 4096 Apr 14 11:37 dir/
$ # ...but Unix says it is. All that changed was group write.
$ ll -d dir
drwxr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:37 dir/
$ # Whoa - now Windows agress it is writable
$ chmod 777 dir
$ ll -d dir
drwxr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:37 dir/
$ # Hmm, Windows thinks it is still not group or other writable...
$ ssh perth ll -d dir
eblake@perth's password:
drwxrwsr-x 2 eblake eblake 4096 Apr 14 11:37 dir/
$ # ...but Unix says it is just not other writable
$ ssh perth chmod 777 dir
$ ll -d dir
drwxr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:42 dir/
$ # Nope, Windows still can't see group and other writable...
$ ssh perth ll -d dir
eblake@perth's password:
drwxrwsrwx 2 eblake eblake 4096 Apr 14 11:42 dir/
$ # ...even though Unix just set it that way
$ ssh perth chmod 0 dir
eblake@perth's password:
$ ll -d dir
drwxr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:42 dir/
$ test -w dir && echo yes || echo no
$ # Hey, Windows is pretty generous now, it is still writable...
$ ssh perth ll -d dir
eblake@perth's password:
d-----l--- 2 eblake eblake 4096 Apr 14 11:42 dir/
$ ssh perth \$HOME/bin/ls -lF -d dir
eblake@perth's password:
d-----S--- 2 eblake eblake 4096 Apr 14 11:42 dir/
$ # ...while Unix has stripped all permissions (l vs. S is Solaris vs. GNU spelling of sticky bit without search permission)
$ touch dir/file
touch: cannot touch `dir/file': Permission denied
$ ll -d dir
dr-xr-xr-x 1 eblake Domain Users 0 Apr 14 11:42 dir/
$ test -w dir && echo yes || echo no
$ # Well, at least NOW Windows no longer claims it is writable, but it took an attempted write to find that out. And what's up with read and search perms?
I found this when running the coreutils testsuite. Needless to say, weird things happened when the testsuite did chmod a-w, but the directory was still writable. I don't know if it is a) possible, or b) sensible to make chmod(2) fail if it couldn't do exactly what it was asked on NFS-mounted directories.
Eric Blake
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