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RE: svn binary file altered on local copy
- From: "Dave Korn" <dave dot korn at artimi dot com>
- To: <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 16:30:52 +0100
- Subject: RE: svn binary file altered on local copy
----Original Message----
>From: Vincent Dedun
>Sent: 01 April 2005 16:11
> There is a problem with standard 1.5.13-1
> <>
> cygwin installation, on svn program.
> I use windows xp sp2 with all updates.
> When i try to commit a gz file in the repository, it get corrupted on
> the local copy, so you can't gunzip it again.
> The same thing happens with a windows resource file (.resources, can't
> open it after the commit), and i think with other binary files.
> Windows icon files don't get corrupted (or at least, the picture is not
> altered by this).
Check your line-endings, you probably have either the repository or the
local copy mounted in textmode. IIRC svn is known to not play well with
textmode mountpoints.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
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