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ping, nslookup can't resolve names
- From: Rich McNeary <rich dot mcneary at gmail dot com>
- To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 23:41:35 -0500
- Subject: ping, nslookup can't resolve names
- Reply-to: Rich McNeary <rich dot mcneary at gmail dot com>
I feel like I should have been abe to find this, I've googled and
searched archives for 2 days, I see there are people who appear to
have a similar problem, but there's no resolution posted.
I'm using Cygwin for jabber 1.4.3. Jabber compiles, starts, and I can
connect to it from another computer, but it isn't able to resolve
names to connect to other jabber servers.
I started trying to ping the other servers in cygwin's bash terminal
but the host couldn't be found, nslookup had similar problems.
If I open an XP terminal and use window's version of ping I'm able to
get to the other servers, so windows seems to have the information,
but cygwin can't access it.
Am I missing a needed application or library?
I'm running cygwin 1.5.13-1. Thanks.
Rich McNeary
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