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ssh-add -l hanging with 20050316 snapshot

I've had keychain hang twice now while running "ssh-add -l". It happened with an older snapshot and again this morning with a DLL I built from CVS yesterday that corresponds to the 20050316 snapshot.

The first time it hung I was still running the older autossh release, but the last time I was running the latest release with the problematic free() call removed.

Both times, I ran "strace -ofoo ssh-add -l". The traces are very similar. I'm not sure which part is relevant, but here's the last bit before it hung from the last strace.

   97  142912 [main] ssh-add 5968 fhandler_socket::ioctl: socket is now blocking
  164  143076 [main] ssh-add 5968 fhandler_socket::ioctl: 0 = ioctl_socket (8004667E, 22ED1C)
   55  143131 [main] ssh-add 5968 cygwin_connect: 0 = connect (3, 0x22ED50, 110)
  186  143317 [main] ssh-add 5968 writev: writev (3, 0x22E8E0, 1)
  295  143612 [main] ssh-add 5968 writev: 4 = write (3, 0x22E8E0, 1), errno 119
   75  143687 [main] ssh-add 5968 writev: writev (3, 0x22E8E0, 1)
  117  143804 [main] ssh-add 5968 writev: 1 = write (3, 0x22E8E0, 1), errno 119
   77  143881 [main] ssh-add 5968 readv: readv (3, 0x22E8E0, 1) blocking, sigcatchers 0
   56  143937 [main] ssh-add 5968 readv: no need to call ready_for_read

The full strace output is here:

The last time this happened, I was able to get things going again by killing the ssh-agent process. I had an error the next time I tried running keychain (sorry, I don't remember what it was now) but the second time, it worked just fine.

My cygcheck output is attached.
David Rothenberger                spammer? ->
GPG/PGP: 0x7F67E734, C233 365A 25EF 2C5F C8E1 43DF B44F BA26 7F67 E734

Nobody knows the trouble I've been.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Text document

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