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Re: regtool - 1.8 - Core dump

Alexander Joerg Herrmann wrote:
BTW: Why does CygWin use something evil like the
Window$ Registry anyway for mount points?

Because a bootstrap is needed on startup. Cygwin can't tell where to look for the mount table until after it already has the Windows path to /, and it can't get that until it's found the mount table.

My Problem was that I have a X11 CygWin Installation
on my USB Stick so when traveling I can access my
Internet Host from almost any Internet Cafe running M$
on the planet. Unfortunatly some places do not allow
to import Registry Keys which imo makes sense. I tried
a workaround by using mount which gave me a headache
mounting the root partition. So I made a script with
regtool tumbling over the above error.

Well, for starters, you may want to check the man page again:

>Don't worry it's easy to reproduce:
>bash-2.05b$ ./regtool -K

Your command line is missing the argument for the -K switch. Programs tend to work better when you don't give them broken arguments. It probably shouldn't throw a SEGV, but it wouldn't have worked anyway because you haven't given it enough information to do anything.

Every combination of complete arguments I've passed the tool allows the program to run without a segmentation fault, even if the arguments aren't valid in combination or the key location is incomplete (in the former case you get the output of -h, in the latter a list of valid key root identifiers).

> Who would let a buggy programm do it?

Because it's not as buggy as it seems. If you can't import into the registry, then you can't import into the registry. Your program should be just as useless for those systems where writing into the registry is disabled. If it does work, there's a flaw in the system settings you're exploiting (which most Internet Cafés will ban you from returning for).

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