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Re: .bashrc not working (and yes I've read the FAQ etc as you'll see)
"Steve Mayes" <> writes:
> Hi,
> Forgive the defensive addendum but I've no wish to be either flamed or
> ignored when I've tried available pathways to solving this.
> Situation:
> .bashrc not working and yes my $home variable is correctly defined but I
> put a copy of .bashrc into / anyway just in case.
> The --login and -i switches are used.
> I even used the --rcfile switch and pointed it directly to my .bashrc
> file at which point cygwin just bombs out.
> .bashrc file contains only the line
> Alias ls='ls -al --color=auto'
> I even made .bashrc executable using the command chmod +x (just in case)
> but this changed none of the behaviour. What am I missing.
> Steve
I remember having some problem like this. To get around it (I am the only
user on this machine), I added the line
. $HOME/.bashrc
to the very end of /etc/profile. It's probably not the 'right' way to do it,
but who cares. It works fine.
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