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Re: httpd-2.0.52 (Apache2) testers wanted / maintainer searched

Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

I just wanted to know if it is possible and if it is running and the
answer is: *yes*.  I have Apache2 compiled with a shared core and shared
modules, I offer a full patch  and script so you can do the same with
just running the buildscript against the patched sources.  Since it is
time consuming as nothing else to build packages like this one, so I'm
looking for someone else to maintain it.

There is still some work to do, i.e. figure out what to change in the
/usr/sbin/apxs script to use it e.g. to build PHP or other modules.

Anyway, finally I have a package ready and the webserver seems to run,
CGI was also working, at least at my XP notebook where I tested it,
though CGI doesn't work for me if the file_cache module is loaded.

See also the httpd.README in usr/doc/Cygwin for some infos.

Binaries package:



Original sources are available at:

It's a little rude to release (even unofficially) a package that clobbers official files - i.e. my apr and apr-util packages. I see that you have mentioned it briefly in the README, but that's fairly easy to overlook.

Really, you should be linking apache against my apr/apr-util packages, and pinging me for an update if they are not recent enough.

Anyone attempting this should check:

And hopefully bug the httpd developers into applying my patch.


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