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Re: postgres in windows 2003

Elvin Peterson schrieb:
When starting postgres initdb in windows 2003 I
get a signal 12. ipc-daemon2 seems to start up OK. I
understand there were some issues with windows 2003
and cygwin earlier on, but that message seems to have
been removed from the home page, so I guess that might
have been resolved.

signal 12 tells us nothing. check /bin/ipcs if IPC is working ok for you

There are two versions of postgresql for cygwin:
one linked to the old ipc-daemon2 (up to 7.3),
and all newer ones linked to the new cygwin1.dll/cygserver IPC (since 7.4)

ipc-daemon2 is not supported and recommended anymore. There's no postgresql version available via the cygwin setup.exe installer which uses ipc-daemon2. Check your README.

less /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/postgresql*.README

Reini Urban

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