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Re: ssh expect on Cygwin

anurag shukla <shuklaan <at>> writes:
> I am having a tyical problem with expect.

Since passwordless authentication is broken on many cygwin systems I use, I end
up using the following expect script (more frequently that I would like).  By
populating the user and passwd arrays for various hosts, this script can be used
to access arbitrary remote hosts.  

--- remoteLogin ---
#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set user(myHostName) "Administrator"
set passwd(myHostName) "mySecretPassword"

log_user 0
set timeout -1
set host [file tail $::argv0]
if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
spawn ssh $user($host)@$host
} else {
spawn ssh $user($host)@$host [join [lrange $argv 0 end]]
match_max 100000
expect { 
   -re "ssh: connect to host .* port 22: Connection refused" {
      send_user "Connection to port 22 on $host refused.\n"
      exp_exit 1
   -re "ssh: connect to host .* port 22: Connection timed out" {
      send_user "Connection attempt to port 22 on $host timed out.\n"
      exp_exit 1
   -exact "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? " {
      send "yes\r"
   -exact " password: " { send -- "$passwd($host)\r" }
expect "\r" # eat the RETURN after entering the password
if {[llength $argv] == 0} { # interactive
   expect {
      -glob "Connection to * closed." {
         send_user "Connection to $host has spontaneously closed.\n"
         exp_exit 1
      -exact "Permission denied, please try again." {
         send_user "Password not accepted.\n"
         exp_exit 1
      -exact "\r" ;# continue if error not encountered
   log_user 1
   expect -re "(\\$|\>) "
   interact { "\004" { close; wait; exit } }
} else { # non-interactive
   log_user 1
   expect eof
--- end remoteLogin ---

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