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Re: BUG: cygwin implementation of Debian package tools

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 06:09:34PM -0400, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) wrote:
>Out of curiosity, why is the policy to remove a package just because the
>maintainer has abandoned it?  If there are no outstanding problems, what
>would be the harm of leaving it in until a problem emerges?

Out of curiousity, why would you respond to a message where the subject
contains the word "BUG" and then opine that someone is removing a package
which has no outstanding problems?

And, no Reini, I wasn't being "mean" and I wasn't trying to goad anybody
into volunteering.  I truly didn't think that very many people were
using this package and an unmaintained, buggy package is just a package
which is taking up disk space and causing the occasional user hearburn.

I am surprised and gratified that we got a volunteer to support it so
quickly, however.


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