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Re: BUG: Cygwin implementation of Debian package tools

David A. Cobb wrote:

++rm.exe    <==== getting 98% of the CPU time and not making any
progress.  Watching the handles display, I see an open handle on what
must be the first *.deb file found so I'm pretty sure of the "no
progress -= stuck!" diagnosis.

If there is a Windows process which has a handle on a file or directory
open, rm shows this behaviour occasionally. e.g. try to run
rm -rf /path/to/directory
while having an explorer view open on this directory (or a subdirectory of directory).

It happens i.e. often for me when using the generic-build-script, if invoking with install or reconf which does rm -rf .build / .inst and
having an explorer shell open in one of the (sub)directories to be
removed from the script -> it seems to hang and it is always rm.

Maybe Reini can look into this issue, it seems he is already working
at the coreutils sources. But I think it is a Windows feature and this is probably difficult to work around.

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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